It one of the subtitles in the handout piece of Jeffrey Bockman I received Wednesday when I heard him speak at the "Genealogy and Local History" conference in Ottawa last week.
And it had a direct application for me because when I checked my email Wednesday night after I got home, there was a note from a man, Peter Budgell in Burlington, Ontario, telling me that he had a picture of Andrew BARCLAY (1814-1866).
I have been searching for my g-g-g-uncle for a number of years - six years, in fact!
Peter finally answered my email query with a picture. It was more than I could have hoped for - and there was Andrew right in front of my eyes! He had gotten the picture from his Mom's aunt, and there he was - Andrew!
(He was the son of James Barclay, the grandson of Andrew Barclay who worked in Shelburne, Nova Scotia. Around 1860, he and his two sons left Shelburne and went to the West Indies, where he and his son died of yellow fever. His youngest son left for New York.)
And this morning I received another email from Peter saying that there still is material I haven't ime to digest.
The sons and daughters of Andrew——so sketchy in the book that I have almost finished on the progenitor Andrew BARCLAY——will now be just a little closer to getting done.
So Jeffrey Bockman was right when he said, "Let Cousins Find You", for, as he added, "Passive Genealogy can be very helpful".