Tomorrow, I am going down to Brockville, a city about an hour and a half away from here (Ottawa) to attend the Region VIII AGM and Genealogy Fair being hosted by Leeds and Grenville Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society.
The day-long meeting starts at 9:00 a.m., so we shall leave around 6:00 a.m., stop and have coffee, pick up another person and then travel along Highways 416 & 401 until we come to St. Lawrence College, where the genealogical day will be held.
There will be three speakers (Kees Van Den Heuval, Jessica Squires, and Dr. Timothy Abel) plus about 16 groups in the marketplace. I will attend the lectures and take pictures for the blog (I will tell you how it went next week) and for the OGS NewsLeaf and E-NewsLeaf.
It is suppose to be an early spring day, and the temperatures are supposed to go as high as 27 degrees Celsius, with afternoon thunderstorms thrown in for good measure - so it should be an interesting day!