Here is the press release we have been waiting for -
"Library and Archives Canada took custody of the Census of the Canadian population, 1921 from Statistics Canada on June 1st, 2013, and is beginning work to make it discoverable for Canadians. Closed for 92 years under the Statistics Act to protect individuals’ private information, the census data is being indexed so it can be mined for historical and genealogical research as soon as possible.
Information for the census was collected on the following five subjects: population; agriculture; animals, animal products, fruits not on farms; manufacturing and trading establishments; and supplemental questionnaire for persons who were blind and deaf. This represents a total of 565 questions. The population questionnaire contained only 35 questions.
Library and Archives Canada is committed to making the 1921 Census’ rich and complex information accessible and available to all Canadians, no matter where they live, in the next few weeks. Further details on the 1921 Census’ availability will be shared once they are available".
So there we have it – the 1921 Census has been transferred from Statistics Canada to the Library and Archives Canada.
Now, the LAC isn’t saying who the indexers are, right now. Will we learn, as they say, in the next few weeks? Who are these “mysterious indexers”?