Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Please join the Gatineau Valley Historical Society for an evening of poetry, song and images celebrating the Gatineau River as Phil Jenkins talks and sings about The Babbling River: The Gatineau Valley in Verse and Song

Apart from spending his teenage years in Liverpool, England during Beatlemania, Phil has been thinking about Ottawa and the Gatineaus for more than 40 years. He has written for a variety of magazines and is weekly local history columnist for the
Ottawa Citizen

He is the author Fields of Vision and An Acre of Time: The Enduring Value of Place, as well as River Song: Sailing the History of the St. Lawrence, and Beneath My Feet: The Memoirs of George Mercer Dawson.

He is also a singer/songwriter who performs solo, or with the group "Riverbend." He currently lives in the Gatineau Hills. 

Everyone welcome, and there are refreshments!

The meeting will be held Monday, March 18, 7:30 pm, at the Wakefield Library, Wakefield Community Centre, 38 Valley Drive, La Pêche – just north of Ottawa.

The website of the GVHS is www.gvhs.ca

Digging for Gold in Toronto’s Libraries and Archives

On Saturday the 4 May 2013 from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm, there will be a  Workshop given by various members of the Toronto Branch OGS at the North York Memorial Community Hall, 5110 Yonge St., Toronto entitled Digging for Gold in Toronto’s Libraries and Archives.

It will be a one-day workshop with sessions for all skill levels – full of great reasons to visit Toronto's wonderful cluster of archives and libraries in person.

For more information, contact info is available at www.torontofamilyhistory.org

For more information on libraries and archives, you can go to

Toronto Public Library www.torontopubliclibrary.ca

Archives of Ontario (located in Toronto) www.archives.gov.on.ca/en/index.aspx