Thursday, April 11, 2013

Nerses Photo Studio at the Niagara Peninsula Branch monthly meeting

Steve Fulton U.E., the Chair of the Niagara Peninsula Branch of the OGS, tells us the Branch will be hosting the Nerses Photo Studio this evening as they talk about photo restoration.

The topics will include photo restoration, storage and handling of old photographs. Please feel free to bring a couple of your photographs along with you to the meeting to either share or get a professional opinion of them from our speaker.

The Niagara Peninsula Branch is using the new streaming software (Adobe Connect) that supports MACs, tablets, PC and other devices.

Please visit them at and click on the Video Stream Button to join us.

The Nersess Photo Studio website is at

Military Records - Discover your ancestor's service

The Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia will hold its monthly meeting on April the 20th entitled Military Records - Discover your ancestor's service. The meeting will from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm at the Akins A/V Room, Nova Scotia Archives, University Ave, Halifax, NS

The talk will be presented by Col. John Boileau, CD (Ret'd, a noted historian and acclaimed author, Colonel John Boileau, CD (Ret'd), will deliver a lecture on how to locate, decipher and learn about military service records and what they can tell you about your ancestor's life.

And the office will be open on Sunday, April 14th and Sunday, April 21st from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm - 3258 Isleville Street, Halifax, NS . The office is open all afternoon! Drop in to chat, do some research or purchase a publication.

Hope to see you there!

Their website is at