Marianne Rasmus, in charge of publicity at the British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa's (BIFHSGO) Conference Planning Committee, has just informed me that registration is now open.
Marianne tells us that this year's conference will take place from September 18 to 20, 2015 in Ottawa.
The conference themes will be -
Scottish Family History
Photographs in Genealogy
Technology for Genealogists
They will also have a fantastic slate of speakers, including Maureen Taylor, Chris Paton and Thomas MacEntee.
Pre-conference workshops are also offered.
The program and registration information are available on the BIFHSGO website at
Early Bird Registration Deadline is August 14, 2015.
Please note the new conference venue: Ben Franklin Place, 101 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, Ontario.
Canada Day Contest
This year, for the annual Canada Day Contest sponsored by the Canadian Week in Review, the skill-testing question is -
This year, Canadians celebrate the birthday of Canada's first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald. The question is - When was his birthday, and where was he born? Hint: Like a true immigrant, he wasn't born in Canada!
One winner will be drawn from the correct entries.
The lucky contestant will get a free consultation with me in which they will be told of some of the places they can look to hopefully discover the year in which their Canadian ancestor immigrated to Canada, or some other detail.
The contest will close at the end of Canada History Week at midnight on Wednesday, 07 July 2015.
Place 'Canada Day Contest" in the subject of the email to

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