Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 - The day we shall never forget

There were 24 Canadians killed in 9/11 – The day we shall never forget. 

There is a list of the people plus their profiles at 

Canada on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in 2011, started the National Day of Service. It honours and celebrates the acts of kindness that Canadians are known for at home and all over the world.

Two genealogical events at Quinte Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society

There are two genealogical events taking place at the Quinte Branch of the Genealogical Society in Trenton, Ontario this month, and they are – 

Doors Open 2014

Come and check out the holdings and resources of their Genealogical Library. Meet their volunteers and find out how they can help you in your research. 

The Open House will be held on Saturday September 13th at 1:00 pm.

Everyone is welcome!

And the second event is their regular monthly meeting which will be held on Saturday September the 20th at 1:00 pm and the topic will be Discovering the Lennox & Addington Archives . The talk will be given by Shelley Respondek, Lennox & Addington County Archivist.

Local repositories are vital for researchers, providing many collections not accessible elsewhere. Knowing what is available is important as we create our research plans.

Mark your calendars for this meeting and hope to see you there!

The venue is Quinte West City Hall Library, 7 Creswell Drive, Trenton, Ontario.

The webpage is