January 13, 2011
Erroneous Publication of an OGS Fee Increase
Just after the holidays, there was an erroneous statement published on a private blog that is causing concern. It was claimed that there is discussion within the Society of a further fee increase and that there was a notion to require OGS members to also be a member of their local branch.
On behalf of the Board and the Executive, I would like to inform our members that neither of these ideas has been discussed at this time.
As one of the Board's responsibilities, fees are discussed at least once a year. Any fee increase recommended must then be approved by the membership. The Board is not recommending a change to the fee structure for 2011. The fee will remain the same as in 2010.
As to requiring members to be a member of their local branch, this has not been recommended nor discussed.
I hope that this explanation clarifies all concerns. If there are any further questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me (president@ogs.on.ca) or the Executive Director (ed@ogs.on.ca).
Nancy Trimble,
President, Ontario Genealogical Society