One of the highlights of the summer was going Summer Camp, wasn't it?
Well, did you know that Toronto Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society has had a Genealogy Summer Camp for almost twenty years?
If you didn't know, but would like to find out more about the summer camp, you can contact Jane MacNamara at her blog for details.
Toronto Branch has been running this innovative program for almost two decades now - they invite out-of-town researchers to Toronto for a full week of concentrated family history research at our wonderful libraries and archives, under the guidance of local experts. More than 140 participants from England, right across Canada and many US states have attended over the years.
Local residents are welcome too, and may choose to stay with the group or attend as “day-campers”.
This year’s Genealogy Summer Camp will run from Sunday 7 June to Friday 12 June 2015.

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