Wednesday, August 24, 2011

120th Anniversary of Ukrainian Settlement

Over 1.2 million Ukrainian-Canadians are celebrating this year's events in the 120th Anniversary of settling in Canada.

They have completed the Historical Train of Ukrainian Pioneers from Halifax stopping in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and Edmonton where they traced the steps of the people who came here in 1891; yesterday they honoured the annual Black Ribbon Day in which they remembered the victims of Communism and Nazism in Europe, and on the 24th of October of this year they will celebrate Ukrainian Day on Parliament Hill.

To view the history of Ukrainian-Canadians, the website is at

To view the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, visit the

BIFGSGO Begins Fall Meetings

The British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa (BIFHSGO)first fall meeting will be Saturday, Sept 10, 2011 at Library and Archives Canada Auditorium, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa from 9:30 - 10:00 a.m.

Tom Rimmer has done research on the Fancy Railway Stations in Westmorland. His great-grandfather was absent from his Lancashire home as shown in the 1871 Census of Rainford, Lancashire. When Tom eventually found his great-grandfather, he was building railway stations in the Lake District. Tom's granddaughter, Anne Rimmer, will present the talk.

Come early, have a coffee, and explore the Irish, English, and Scottish Discovery Tables before the talk.

The website is

Digging up the Parliament Building (Montreal)

On Tuesday, the CTV News had a story about archeologists digging up the Parliament Building which was burnt down by rebels of the Rebellions of 1837 in Montreal.

Reports say that they are starting to find items including a tea set, and a pair of glasses which was probably left behind by someone when the building burnt to the ground.

The ground will be turned into a green space in time for Montreal's 375th birthday, which will take place in 2017.

Read the history of the Parliament Building

For a history of Montreal, go to

For the Rebellion of 1837