Showing posts with label RICHARDSON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RICHARDSON. Show all posts

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Roots, Branches & Twigs

The summer issue of the Kent Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society is out, and there are two major articles in the newsletter.

The first article, entitled “My Great-Grandfather – Jean-Baptiste LANOUE”, is about a French-Canadian who moved to the town of Tillbury. In 1835, the family moved from Lacadie, Quebec to Hamilton, and then moved up to Chatham.

The second article is about “The RICHARDSON family of Tilbury” traces a family who moved from Roxbury, Scotland to Tilbury in the middle 1850s.

They list the books that nave been added to the Kent Branch OGS Library, Queries, Member's Surname Interests, and an short article on the Ridge House Museum.

If you wish to contact the Kent County OGS, go to