Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2013 Gene-O-Rama Cancelled

The Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa is at it again, imposing more fees on their formerly free facilties. And now it has cost us Gene-O-Rama -which has been cancelled. It was to be held at the LAC in April.

Here is what Mike More, past chairperson of the Ottawa Branch had to say in an email last night -

“Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society began Gene-O-Rama in 1981 to share knowledge and experience on a range of genealogical topics. Every year since then has seen either Gene-O-Rama or the provincial Conference. The 29th Gene-O-Rama was scheduled for April 2013 at Library and Archives Canada (LAC). Due to unexpected restrictions on the use of the building and the escalating costs imposed by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), who have assumed responsibility for the public facilities at LAC, Gene-O-Rama 2013 has been cancelled.

When originally booked in March of 2012, the prices quoted to us would have meant additional costs of about $500. Registration fees were adjusted to take this into account. The imposition in November of a service charge and fees for the use of the building’s lobby raised these costs to $1000. The registration brochure was amended, printed and distribution began. In January, we were advised that we could not use our own audio-visual equipment that had been purchased to be compatible with the installed equipment at 395 Wellington and used without incident for many years. Instead we would have to pay for the use of PWGSC equipment. As well, the wireless would no longer be free but a charge would be imposed, but they were not sure when. The cost had now risen to an estimated $2300 or nearly five times what we had been told when we first booked the facility.

We cannot know if PWGSC will impose more restrictions on the use of the building or add additional fees as we get closer to the date. At this late stage, finding another suitable location is not feasible. With regret, we therefore cancel Gene-O-Rama 2013.

We may be able to put together a smaller event in another venue that is more conducive to heritage activities. Please watch our website, blog or Facebook page for details”.

Information on the Ottawa Branch is at http://ogsottawa.on.ca/home/gene-o-rama

Monday, January 14, 2013

30th Anniversary Celebration

Simcoe County Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society will celebrate its 30th Anniversary Celebration with an Open House on February 2, 2013 from 11 am – 4 pm, and lectures.

The morning program will feature from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm

• Room A Kenneth Reese An Introduction to Genealogy

• Room B Nancy Leveque Researching Your Ancestors in Simcoe County

• Room C John Wright Beyond the Inscriptions - A Look at Cemeteries

• FHC Bonnie Henderson Brick Walls

The afternoon program will be a repeat of the morning program, and it will be from 1:45 pm until 2:45 pm. So if you can't get there in the morning, you can always go in the afternoon.

So you can learn how to start your family tree, break down the “Brick Walls”, and there will be resources there for you to search while you are there. It sounds like a good time!

Simcoe County Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society is located 79 Ferris Lane, Barrie, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

For more information, you can contact them at www.simcoebogs.com

New/Updated Websites, Blogs, and Newspaper Articles - 14 January 2013

I have come across the following websites, blogs, and newspaper articles this past week that were of interest to me, and I thought you might be interested in them, too –

Columbia Cemetery - Rossland, British Columbia - British Columbia Heritage Markers on Waymarking.com
www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMG4EK_Columbia_Cemetery_Rossland_British_Columbia This is the first time I have come across the waymarking site. It give a good, snappy history of Columbia Cemetery of British Columbia.

Qartz glass can preserve data for millions of years, Hitachi says: Material is water and weatherproof www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/01/07/quartz-data-storage.html The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) is carrying a story which says that there is a quartz glass wafer that could preserve information forever –

St. Boniface Cathedral given heritage status www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/story/2013/01/08/mb-st-boniface-cathedral-heritage-status-winnipeg.html The iconic St. Boniface Cathedral in Manitoba is given heritage status.

Escape to Gold Mountain: A Graphic History of the Chinese in North America  www.umanitoba.ca/cm/vol19/no18/escapetogoldmountain.html Learn about the cross-migration between the U.S. and Canada, during the 1800s up until 1947, of the Chinese.

Debate on Morse's Tea building paint job boils over: Lettering on Morse's Tea building was painted over in October www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/story/2013/01/12/ns-morse-tea-paint-city-council.html CBC Halifax reports that the owner of Morse’s Tea building in Halifax recently had the lettering painted over causing heritage people to complain that he never thought of the history of the place before it was painted.

© Elizabeth Lapointe All Rights Reserved

Sunday, January 13, 2013


People are travelling from coast-to-coast-to-coast across Canada asking their fellow Canadians their opinion on the new Canadian Museum of History, which will be opened in 2015.

They will be meeting in Montreal of Jan 24th

Their press release says “The Canadian Museum of Civilization is soon to become the Canadian Museum of History—a museum that will present the history of Canada and its people. We would like to invite you to be a part of its creation by telling us what you would put in your Canadian history museum.

Join them on Thursday, January 24, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Salon Cartier 1, Centre Mont-Royal, 2200 Mansfield Street (next to the Peel Metro station), in Montréal.

We will kick-off the evening with a dynamic panel discussion —My History Museum: A to Zed —by asking prominent Canadians, what they would put in a Canadian history museum of their making.

This will be followed by a roundtable discussion where we will ask you how you would like to engage with your national history museum. How can the museum meet your needs and interests, from here in Montréal?

RSVP at www.civilization.ca/myhistorymuseum

If you’re unable to attend this event, you can still have your say by visiting www.civilization.ca/myhistorymuseum and adding your comments and completing the survey.

We want to reach as many people as possible. Feel free to pass this email on to anyone you think would be interested in attending this event.

We look forward to meeting you”.

Domaine des pères Sainte-Croix at Lac-Simon, Quebec Has Been Saved!

Just got news yesterday from Chantal Crête that the Domaine des pères Sainte-Croix at Lac-Simon, Quebec has been saved!

She goes to say “A while back you posted the link of our petition to help us save the heritage of le Domaine des pères Sainte-Croix at Lac-Simon. I wanted to let you know that we have succeeded. Municipality of Lac-Simon adopted a reglementation last night to designate the whole site. Yes, Domaine des Pères is now protected under the Cultural Heritage Act. May I express my deepest thank you to you and all of those that have supported the cause. It goes to show that mobilisation can indeed create change”.

Congratulations, Chantal!

If you would like to read my other posts on the Domaine des pères Sainte-Croix at Lac-Simon, Quebec, you can read them at

November 20 - ONLINE PETITION! Domaine d'été des Pères Sainte-Croix http://genealogycanada.blogspot.ca/2012/11/online-petition-domaine-dete-des-peres.html

November 27 - Latest Update on Domaine d'été des Pères Sainte-Croix http://genealogycanada.blogspot.ca/2012/11/latest-update-on-domaine-dete-des-peres.html

Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia Meeting

Pam Wile the Editor of the Nova Scotia Genealogist newsletter from the Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia tells us that they will be open today Sunday, January 13, 2013 from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. EST

They are located at 3258 Isleville Street, Halifax, and you can have a comfortable research space that includes a patrons' computer with internet access and a library. If you can't make it to their place, you can view their library holdings at www.novascotiaancestors.ca/libraryRecords.php

And she tells us that there will be a meeting on Saturday, January 26, and they will be having special speaker Nancy Wilson, and her topic will be Genealogy and Youth.

Nancy Wilson was the Coordinator for the intergenerational genealogy project: Genealogical Sleuths: Youth and Seniors Partnering to Discover their History developed by the South Shore Genealogical Society.

The meeting will be from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Akins A/V Room, Nova Scotia Archives, University Ave, Halifax, NS.

Attendees are encouraged to bring along a young person - child, grandchild, neighbour, friend - to introduce them to ways to research their family history. Nancy will talk about ways to get youth involved that will inspire you to share your stories with the younger generation.

There will be door prizes and light refreshments will be served.

A selection of our publications will be on display and for sale at the

To find out more about the meetings, go to www.NovaScotiaAncestors.ca

Saturday, January 12, 2013

1921 Canada Census to be Released This Summer

Just read the news on Christine Woodcock’s blog that the LAC will release the 1921 Canada Census on June 13th!

That is wonderful news. Thanks, Christine!

Her blog is at http://brantcountyogs.blogspot.ca/2013/01/1921-census-coming-soon.html