Monday, June 23, 2014

Canadian Week in Review 23 June 2014

I have come across the following Canadian websites, social media websites, and newspaper articles this past week that were of interest to me, and I thought you might be interested in them, too.


No new websites this week.

This Week in History 

On June 22, 1869, an act was passed establishing the government of the Northwest Territories, which then included much of the Prairies, and in 1905, the House of Commons passed a bill establishing Alberta and Saskatchewan as provinces, effective September 1, 1905. 

A history of Alberta and Saskatchewan is given on 

In 1950, the Canadian naval destroyers HMCS “Cayuga”, “Athabasca”, and “Sioux” left Vancouver—escorted by the cruiser “Ontario”—for Pearl Harbour during the Korean Conflict.

In 1930, George Stathakis died when he plummeted over Niagara Falls in a barrel. Can you imagine that the turtle he took with him - survived?

On June 22, 1955, the laying of a transatlantic telephone cable began at Clarenville, Nfld. 

To read a history of both the telegraph and the telephone, go to

Social Media

Prairie History Blog 

This blog explores many online resources, and I always find something of interest here to read about. 

The latest blog is about a First World War Walking Tour to be held in Regina on June 23rd called, Back to the Front: A Poetic Walking Tour about WW1. 

Newspaper Articles

Newfoundland and Labrador 

Celebrating with a bang! 
Bruce Haynes, from Happy Valley-Goose Bay in Labrador, and a military history enthusiast, is constructing a five-and-a-half-foot cannon to launch his fireworks on July 1.

Memorial University launches WWI commemoration program
The students and faculty of Manorial University are working on nearly 40 projects that will commemorate the First World War.

Nova Scotia 

Parrsboro students awarded for family tree projects 
Winners of the Parrsborough Shore Historical Society’s family tree project were presented with certificates and a framed historical photo of the museum property on Friday, June 20, as society member Ed Gilbert paid a visit to Parrsboro Regional High School.

Springhill mayor says plebiscite on town's dissolution unlikely 
Town to dissolve and merge with Cumberland County by March 31, 2015 
Nova Scotia’s Utility and Review Board held a preliminary hearing to look at issues surrounding the town's dissolution, planned to take place by March 31, 2015. 

Why this Nova Scotia town may make you miss the ferry
After a four-year hiatus, the overnight ferry from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia to Portland, Maine, is back in business. The new ship, Nova Star, comes complete with spa, casino, four restaurants, an art gallery, and private cabins to pass the time during the 10-hour ride. Yet with all that the ferry has to offer, find out why it's still hard to leave Yarmouth to catch it on time.

New Brunswick 

Premier David Alward Heralds Grand Re-opening and 125th Anniversary of Algonquin Resort Contemporary Celebration Commemorates Hotel's History
The province recently celebrated the 125 anniversary and re-opening of the Algonquin Resort in New Brunswick. 


New France Festival: Celebrating History in Quebec City
Quebec City, in the province of Quebec, is holding its 17th annual New France Festival, when Quebec's capital city celebrates its French colonial roots. 

We have been invited to visit the official summer residence of Their Excellencies the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, and Mrs. Sharon Johnston. June 24 to September 1: Daily, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Map: Canada's worst tornadoes 
Interesting site! There is a map of Canada showing the sites of Canada’s worst tornadoes.
Read about what the government is planning to spend $83-million over the remainder of this decade to commemorate Canada’s military history. 

Canadian Museum of History signs collaboration agreement with Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives 
The Canadian Museum of History announced that it will be collaborating with the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives (CLGA) in the development of its new Canadian History Hall.

There will be a play put on at the Blyth Memorial Hall from July 2nd to August 15th about Canadian First World War flying ace, Billy Bishop. He was officially credited with seventy-two victories, making him the top pilot in the British Empire.

Canadian Forces' return to old-style ranks, insignia costs millions
New dress uniforms needed as army and navy adopt WW II-era insignias and decorations 
The Forces are going to return to Second World War-era ranks and insignia, but will require new dress uniforms for Canadian soldiers and naval officers at a cost of $4.5 million.


Manitoba is waiting to hear if Pimachiowin Aki—a forested site on Manitoba's easterly side, next to the province of Ontario—is going to be considered as a United Nations World Heritage Site. Canada now has 17 such UNESCO sites.


Nutana walking tour blends history with technology 
QR codes provide historical info when scanned with smartphone 
The Broadway Business Improvement District (BBID) and the Nutana Community Association have teamed up to expand its Heritage QR Code Project from businesses on Broadway Avenue to homes, parks. and buildings in the Nutana neighbourhood of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. 


A battle is playing out behind the scenes over how the history of indigenous peoples will be presented at the new home of the Royal Alberta Museum, now under construction in downtown Edmonton.

Residential school abuse-claim documents should be destroyed, adjudicator argues 
There is quite a controversy brewing as some people are saying that Canada risks ‘privacy disaster’ and will cause ‘great harm’ to victims of the residential school abuse claim. 

British Columbia 

Edmonton businessman begins build on B.C. burial ground Cowichan, Saanich, and Penelakut ancestors buried on Grace Islet in Ganges Harbour 
On National Aboriginal Day, B.C. First Nations and Gulf Islanders rallied and canoed around a tiny B.C. island cemetery that is being developed into the site of a luxury home for Barry Slawsky, an Edmonton-based businessman and former owner of the San Francisco Gifts chain of stores.

Story of the Week

June 24th - St-Jean Baptiste Day – The National Holiday in Quebec 

The current flag of Quebec is based on this design, and was adopted in 1948. 

Known as Fête de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste or Saint-Jean Baptiste Day, it is held annually on June 24, is the feast day of St. John the Baptist, and it is celebrated in Quebec and other areas of French Canada. 

In 1834, Ludger Duvernay, a journalist, visited the St Patrick's Day celebrations in Montreal, and was inspired to create a similar event for French-Canadians. In 1843, he established the Saint-Jean Baptiste Society to promote the celebration of Saint-Jean Baptiste Day. It was supported by the Catholic Church, which saw it as a way to promote social and moral progress. 

During and after the First World War, Saint-Jean Baptiste Day was barely celebrated, but in 1925, Saint-Jean Baptiste Day became a provincial holiday in Quebec. 

In 1977, Saint-Jean Baptiste Day was recognized as the 'national' holiday of Quebec. 

Today, it is included in the week’s celebration as Canada gets ready for its birthday party on July 1st.

Reminder: Check the Canadian Week in Review next Monday for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada. It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in country!

The next post will be on June 30, 2014.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Canadian Week in Review

Check the Canadian Week in Review tomorrow morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada. 

It has the latest news covered in New/Updated Websites, History, Social Media, and Newspaper Articles. 

Starting with this issue, the Newspaper Articles will be divided into the provinces of the county that they cover. 

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in country!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Update: OGS half-price sale on until October 31, 2014

The blog which was posted on Friday June 20, 2014 at should have read that the OGS half-price sale is on until October 31, 2014.

For further information, please go to

Métis Scrip Records

The Library and Archives Canada has sent this notice to this office, and it says in part, the following –

“We are pleased to inform you that more than 24,000 references about money scrip (certificates) given to Métis family members were recently added online. 

These cancelled land scrip certificates were once issued to the Métis by the Department of the Interior in exchange for the relinquishment of certain land claims. 

A scrip would be issued “to the bearer” and could be applied to the purchase of, or as a down payment on, any Dominion lands open for entry in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. These scrip were awarded to Métis heads of families and their children in the amounts of $240, $160 and $80 denominations.” 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Only 11 more days left to join Ontario Genealogical Society for ½ price!

Yes, that’s right – membership for half-price!

With the half-price fee, you will be entitled to a half-year membership at $35.70 CDN and you will receive all the benefits of Individual membership including their quarterly mailing for August and November – the journal Families, the newsletter Newsleaf, and e-Newsleaf, and weekly updates.

This offer is also available to those who have not been an OGS member since 2011 and would like to rejoin the OGS family. 

To take advantage of the half-year membership, please visit the OGS website at:

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ottawa Branch of the OGS AGM

The Ottawa Branch will hold its AGM meeting this Saturday June 21st at 1 pm. and it will be at the City of Ottawa Archives, Room 115 located at 100 Tallwood Drive in Ottawa. 

Following the business of the AGM, outgoing OGS President Shirley Sturdevant and incoming President Alan Campbell will provide an update on OGS including: governance and structure, OGS Board and Provincial Office activities and plans for 2014. 

As usual, this meeting will be live streamed to members of the Ottawa Branch of the OGS. 

For more information, go to 

LDS Update: Ontario Births 1869-1912

The LDS church is adding indexed records to their existing collection of birth registration. Birth registration came into effect on 01 July 1869 in Ontario.

On the typical birth record, you may find the following information -

Full name of child

When the child was born


Name and surname of the father

Name and maiden surname of the mother

Occupation of father

When registered

Name of accoucheur (doctor or midwife attending the birth)

Signature description and residence of the informant

Where the birth was registered

County where the record was created

The records are at

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Ryan Taylor/J. Brian Gilchrist Memorial Lecture

This office received this notice about The Ryan Taylor/J. Brian Gilchrist Memorial Lecture from Mike More, Past Chair, Ottawa Branch OGS - 

“In 2007, Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society established the annual Ryan Taylor Memorial Lecture to honour a Canadian genealogist who has enhanced our knowledge of this hobby. The first Lecture was given in October 2007 by Glenn Wright, former archivist with the federal government and a friend of Ryan’s. The second annual lecture was given by another of Ryan’s friends, Brian Gilchrist.

When Brian passed away in May 2014, Ottawa Branch decided to rename the lecture this year in honour of the two genealogists and friends: The Ryan Taylor/J. Brian Gilchrist Memorial Lecture. Both spoke extensively on genealogical topics and were several times in Ottawa, at Gene-O-Rama, OGS Seminar and BIFSGHO events. They were always willing to share their expertise and experience in our hobby.

The event will be held Saturday 25 Oct 2014 at 1:00 pm in the City of Ottawa Archives (James Bartleman Centre). 

The presentation this year is entitled: "A Research Journey into WWI, WWII, Medals, & eBay". Dr. Jean-Luc Pilon will describe how twists and turns in his family history research, beginning with ancestors enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, lead to the acquisition of long-lost military medals found on eBay, the story of the local ancestor to whom they were awarded in World War Two, and a moving graveside visit. A short video about this story will also be screened. Dr. Pilon is the Curator of Ontario Archaeology at the Canadian Museum of History and an Adjunct Professor at Carleton University. He studied Anthropology and Archaeology and obtained his PhD in Anthropology from the University of Toronto."

The website is at If you need further information, you can contact mike at

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Special Membership Offer for New Members

A membership is now available for the period February 1, 2014 to July 31, 2014 for only $35.00. This membership will give you a copy of their Summer 2014 issue of Connections magazine and full access to their website. Also, you are welcomed to come to their Library to research their many books and use special genealogy searching programs.

After printing and completing the form, mail it to them along with a cheque or money order for $35.00.

Meanwhile, the library and office of the Quebec Family History Society will be closed on Sundays from now until after Labour Day.

Please refer to their web site for their complete Summer Schedule.

The website as at

Monday, June 16, 2014

Canadian Week in Review 16 June 2014

I have come across the following Canadian websites, social media websites, and newspaper articles this past week that were of interest to me, and I thought you might be interested in them, too.


Niagara Historical Society
Founded in 1895, this society is located at Niagara-on-the-Lake, which was the former capital of Upper Canada (Ontario), and the place where some of the battles of the War of 1812-1814 took place.

They sponsor Historical Walking Tours of Niagara-on-the-Lake, and there will be a A Garden Party on the Eve of the Great War: Commemorating the Declaration of the First World War, on Saturday, July 26, 2014.

This Week in History

In 1811, Thomas Douglas, the 5th Earl of Selkirk was granted 300,000 square kilometres of territory in an area now occupied by Manitoba, Minnesota, and North Dakota. Selkirk paid 10 shillings a year rent on the land.
To read more about the Earl of Selkirk, go to,_5th_Earl_of_Selkirk

In 1925, the United Church of Canada held its inaugural service in Toronto. The united Church was formed by the merger of the Methodist, Presbyterian, and Congregationalist Churches.
To read more about the union, go to 

In 1841, the first Canadian parliament opened in Kingston, Ontario. It was held there from 1841 to 1844.
To read the history of Canada, go to Parliament of Canada at

In 1886, fire razed the city of Vancouver. It started when flames from a brush-clearing fire blew into tinder-dry brush in the west of the city. It destroyed more than 1,000 wooden buildings, and it killed at least eight people, but as many as 28 may have died. 

To read more about the fire, go to Great Vancouver Fire at 

In 2008, the Ontario home where Lucy Maud Montgomery penned many of the books in her Anne of Green Gables series was named a national historic site.

To read more about the author, Lucy Maud Montgomery, visit

Social Media

No new blogs this week.

Newspaper Articles 

Privateer Days 2014 to Set Sail in Liverpool
Liverpool, Nova Scotia, located on Nova Scotia’s southwestern shore, will host the 29th edition of Privateer Days from June 20 to 24 this year.

Liverpool was one of British North America's leading privateer ports, and activities for the 2014 edition of Privateer Days include a live encampment, battle re-enactments by the King's Orange Rangers, tours of the Old Burial Ground, and an artisan workshop.

Two curators losing jobs at Canadian Museum of History due to reorganization
One of the curators has 38 years of experience, and was involved with such exhibits as Heart and Soul (on Quebec folk art), and a virtual exhibition called Nettie Covey Sharpe House.

Fireworks festival will proceed even if trees remain at Museum of History site
It looks like the National Capital Commission is not going to cut down trees by the Museum of History so that the firework festival can take place this year.

Princes bringing Canadian history to Mississippi River cruise
Shannon and Bryan Prince from North Buxton, near Windsor, Ontario, will be featured on an "Authors and History'' Mississippi River cruise in the spring of 2015. The paddlewheeler will travel from Memphis, Tennessee to New Orleans, Louisiana.

Nova Centre could get design OK

But on the other hand ...

Halifax heritage group goes to court to challenge Nova Centre design

Australian War Memorial signs deal with Canada to commemorate Allied history of World War I
The Australian prime minister made an announcement during his recent visit to Ottawa that a major touring exhibition is planning to come to Ottawa from Australia for the 2017-18 season. 

Human remains found under Ottawa's Queen Street headed to museum 
The City of Ottawa are in talks with people of the Catholic, Anglican and Presbyterian faiths to figure out what to do with the remains that workers uncovered while they were doing construction work at the Queen Street site earlier this year. 

Story of the Week

Source: Table of Description of Records, Heir and Devisee Commission, RG 1 L 5, p. 4 Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa  H-1133 reel 1( accessed 15 June 2014)

Errors found in the Ontario Heir & Devisee Commission 1777-1854

Lorine McGinnis Schulze, the author of the Olive Tree Genealogy Blog at, asks if anyone has come across the errors that have been found in the Ontario Heir & Devisee Commission 1777-1854 papers.

This digitized (but not indexed) collection of 21 microfilm reels, ranging from Volume 1 to Volume 104, at the website, on the Heritage webpage, has noticeable errors.

What she has discovered is that has put the incorrect volume numbers to the wrong explanation of what is inside the volumes.

So, she has been writing about this since last year, and has started to placing the correct volume number in a number of blog posts, and they are - 

Heir & Devisee Commission 1797-1854 on - Listing Errors and a Workaround (August 30, 2013)

Home District Land Certificates 1787 to 1795 (May 17, 2014)

An index to Niagara area Loyalists and their Land Certificates (May 16, 2014)

Home District Land Claims 1803 & 1804 - Corrections to Faulty Content List (May 21, 2014)

Home District Land Claims 1803 & 1804 - Corrections to Faulty Content List Part 2 (June 14, 2014)

If you are working in these files, it is advisable that you keep aware of the corrected list, and read her blogs, because it will save you time and confusion as you work through them.

As a researcher, I and others, say “Thank you” to Lorine and her series of posts on this error that she has found with regard to these papers.

Reminder: Check the Canadian Week in Review next Monday for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada. It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in country!

The next post will be on June 23, 2014.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The “Human Library” returns to Ottawa

I received this press release yesterday -

“The popular Human Library returns to the Museum on June 21 and 22 with 15 new living books full of fascinating stories about conflict.

Human Libraries provide an exciting opportunity for members of the public to connect one-on-one with individuals willing to share their diverse life experiences, stories and knowledge. Visitors check out a selection, just like at a public library, and spend 20 minutes in conversation to learn more about that person’s particular experience. 

Meet Ted Zuber, a sniper who served in the Korean War and was a commissioned artist in the Gulf War. 

Ask spouses John and Raymonde Davidson about their very different perspectives on his service as a peacekeeper in the former Yugoslavia. 

Find out about the long and varied military career of Gordon Ohlke, who trained in intelligence analysis and psychological operations, and learned Russian along the way. 

Hear Major Jon Hamilton describe the day he led a group of 14 soldiers on an assault against 150–200 Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan in 2006. 

Discover from Laurent Beaulieu what it was like to live under the constant threat of violence during missions in Kuwait and Sudan. 

Learn why Rachel Collishaw, a history teacher at Glebe Collegiate, won the Governor General’s History Award for Excellence in Teaching for her unique Second World War memorial project. 

And many more…!” 

For a full list of titles and more information about the living books in the Canadian War Museum’s Human Library, please visit

Registration opens in the Museum Lobby at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 21 and Sunday, June 22, 2014.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Tale of the Townships

Two years in the planning, the new permanent exhibition at the EATON CORNER MUSEUM (Compton County Historical Museum Society) tells the story of the early settlers in the 1800s. 

They say that when you visit “the new exhibit of carefully selected objects from our extensive collections, you will follow the story beginning with the Native Americans who fished and hunted here. It continues with the arrival of the first English speaking homesteaders from New England and then from the British Isles, in the early 1800s, and the French speaking settlers who came later. You will discover how each of these groups has left an indelible mark on our local history, culture and architecture”. 

Eaton Corner Museum (Compton County Historical Museum Society) is located at 374 Route 253 (Eaton Corner) Cookshire, and you can call 819-875-5256 for information.
The website is at

Connecting through culture: 250 Years of Chronicling the Community

The Morrin Centre in Quebec City is celebrating the 250-year anniversary of the only English-language newspaper, by having historian Charles André Nadeau talk about the The Quebec Gazette – La Gazette de Québec, which was founded in 1764. It became the Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph, North America’s oldest continuous running newspaper. 

The talk will be held at the Morrin Centre on Wednesday, June 18 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. For more information or to reserve your seat, call 418-694-9147 or visit the website at .

Friday, June 13, 2014

Newly Digitized Microfilms on the Héritage Portal

The following is a list of digitized microfilms that have been recently added to the Héritage Portal website from the Library and Archives Canada (LAC). 

It is a long list of various LAC microfilm, and I have put in bold some of the items that may interest you, as a genealogist. 

Some of these records are difficult to research because they are not indexed, but some records, like the World War I: Veterans claim cards, are in alphabetical order.

The veteran claims are records that give a description of the land that they received, the location, and address of the land, and there is even a remarks section on the card. 

Another one to check is the Edwardsburg Township fonds, 1801 & 1818. 

It contains nominal census reports, and records from Elizabethtown Township, Edwardsburg Township, Johnstown Township and so on, and it is worth reading if you had ancestors who lived in those areas.

Here is the rest of the list –

1946 Army Central Registry
Air Ministry. Air 1 and Air 2
Albert Henry George Grey, 4th Earl Grey fonds
Archives of the Propagation of the Faith of Paris: Summary Inventory
Baroness Macdonald family papers
Beauharnois Family Collection
Bonds and securities Upper and Lower Canada, Province of Canada, and Canada
Brooke Claxton fonds
Brown Chamberlin fonds
Canadian Northern Steamships, Limited
Charles Alexander Magrath fonds
Charles Stanley Monck, 4th Viscount Monck fonds: Henry Monck correspondence
Civil Secretary's correspondence: A 1 - S Series: Quebec and Lower Canada
Colonial Conferences collection
Commissioners of Indian Affairs [meetings], Albany, New York, 1722‒1748
Commissions from Quebec, Upper and Lower Canada, Province of Canada and Canada
Department of Agriculture: Deputy Minister's letterbooks, 1888‒1916
Department of Agriculture, Dominion Chemist: Letterbooks, 1889‒1933
Department of Agriculture: Entomology and Botany Division
Department of Agriculture: general letterbooks, 1852‒1894
Department of Agriculture: semi-official letterbooks, 1871‒1893
Department of External Affairs: Office of the Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs
Department of Immigration: Soundex card index to names of children in selected first central registry files
Department of Indian Affairs, Headquarters central registry system: black series
Department of Indian Affairs: Trust fund journals, 1875‒1938
Department of Militia and Defence: Engineer Branch, correspondence and letterbooks, 1880‒1903
Department of Militia and Defence: Letterbooks, 1867‒1903
Department of Militia and Defence: Reports and memoranda of the Deputy Minister's office, 1867‒1907
Department of Public Works, Chief Architect's Office: Letterbooks, 1873‒1909
Department of Public Works, docket registry system: registered correspondence
Department of Public Works: letterbooks of the subject classification registry system, 1879‒1912
Departmental Archives of Ille-et-Vilaine [Rennes, France] Fonds
Directorate of Movements
Edwardsburg Township fonds, 1801 & 1818
Exemplifications, Upper Canada, Province of Canada and Canada, 1853‒1951
France. Fonds of the national archives. F12 Series. Commerce and industry
France. Colonial Fonds: C11E Series. General correspondence of the boundaries and positions
Gaspard-Joseph Chaussegros de Léry Fonds
George Johnson fonds
George Monro Grant fonds
George Sutton Gibbons fonds
Gilbert John Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of Minto fonds
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company: Agreements
Great Britain. Audit Office. Declared Accounts (AO 1)
Great Britain. Colonial Office: colonial papers, general series, (CO 1) and Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, original correspondence (CO 217)
Henry James Morgan fonds
Hôtel-Dieu of Québec Fonds
Index of advocates, land surveyors and notaries public in Quebec, Lower Canada and Canada East
James Leslie and family fonds
John Charles Dent fonds
John Costigan fonds
Joseph Cardin Fonds
Joseph Frederick Wallet DesBarres fonds
Land surveyor certificates
Letters patent authorizing fairs in Canada West and Province of Canada
Licenses, Upper and Lower Canada, Canada East and Canada West and Ontario, 1817‒1867
List of Notaries Public in Upper and Lower Canada, Canada East and Canada West
Lomer Gouin Fonds
Manitoba and Red River census returns
Manuscript [from the Canadian Youth Commission], "This Is Youth"
Memoirs of Grégoire or Robert Challes
Michel-Eustache-Gaspard Chartier de Lotbinière Collection: Correspondence and other documents
Militia and Defence: Letterbooks of Quartermaster General Colonel Percy Lake, Ontario
Militia general orders, Lower Canada
Minutes of Carleton County Progressive Conservative Association, 1948‒1966
Minutes of the Council of Assiniboia
National Council of Women of Canada fonds
National Library of France. Department of Manuscripts. New French Acquisitions
Newspaper clippings relating to the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission
[North-West Mounted Police] Dawson City headquarters records
Notifications of changes in the names of persons in Ontario
Orders and addresses of the House of Commons and Senate
Ordinances relating to Quebec, 1772‒1792
Ottawa Transportation Company fonds
Parish registers: New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec
Placide Gaudet Fonds
Proclamations from Quebec, Upper and Lower Canada, the Province of Canada and Canada
Prudent-L. Mercure Fonds
Records and correspondence sent from the Postmaster General
Regional and local post office records
Registrar General sous-fonds: key to the general index
Registrar of Shipping: Kingston [Ontario] 1846‒1908, St. Catharines [Ontario] 1855‒1875, Pictou [Nova Scotia] 1840‒1956, Sydney [Nova Scotia] 1788‒1932
Registrar's office files of Upper and Lower Canada, the Province of Canada and Canada
Richard Burpee Hanson fonds
Royal Canadian Air Force second central registry and file classification system
Royal Canadian Navy: Convoy Reports of Proceedings, 1939‒1945
Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism
Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences fonds
Seaside House guest register
Secretary of State: Chief Press Censor
Senate summonses, Canada, 1867‒1953
Soldiers Settlement Board: The Platt Books
Warrants and pardons from Upper Canada, the Province of Canada and Canada
William King collection
William McDougall fonds
World War I: Veterans claim cards
Writs of election, 1949‒1953
Young Women's Christian Association of Canada

The website is

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Canada GenWeb: Prince Edward Island & Quebec cemetery update


Queen's County:


Arthabaska County:

Bellechasse County:

Charlevoix County:

Dorchester County:

Drummond County:

Levis County:

L'Islet County:

Lotbiniere County:

Megantic County:

Montmorancy County:

Quebec County

The “Thanks” of the genealogy community go to Kate Ford for her help indexing, and to Albert Riezebos, Angela M. Clatworthy, Heather Mathis and Sonia Godin for taking photos of the cemeteries.

The website us at

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Library and Archives Canada releases an updated version of the Immigrants from China database

Credit: Library and Archives Canada

Last month was Asian Heritage Month, and the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) updated their database to include references to the C.I.9 certificates issued to people of Chinese origin born in Canada and wanting to leave Canada for a limited time without losing their Canadian status.

If your ancestors are from China, you may want to view the adjusted database.

Here is the press release that was released by the LAC at the end of May -

“May is Asian Heritage Month in Canada, during which we acknowledge the long and rich history of Asian Canadians and their contributions to Canada. Asian Heritage Month also provides an opportunity for Canadians across the country to reflect on and celebrate the contributions of Canadians of Asian heritage to the growth and prosperity of Canada.

To celebrate Asian culture, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is pleased to announce the addition of references to its Immigrants from China database. It now includes references to the C.I.9 certificates issued to people of Chinese origin born in Canada and wanting to leave Canada for a limited time without losing their Canadian status. The actual records include a photograph and provide information such as the individual’s name, age and place of birth, as well as the port and date of departure, and the ship’s name.”

Chinese immigrants who arrived in Canada between 1885 and 1949 are in the database is fully explained on the website at

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Print Your Family History Book at the Toronto Public Library

This is a press release from the Toronto Public Library -

“Toronto Public Library’s newest offering is Asquith Press, a book printing service that enables customers to design and print bookstore-quality paperback books. The library is offering information sessions and classes open to all: from authors and aspiring writers to anyone who would like to create a book for their own personal interest.

Located on the main floor of the Toronto Reference Library in the recently opened Digital Innovation Hub, Asquith Press is available to people of all ages and skill levels.

With the help of workshops, print and online resources, knowledgeable library staff and guest mentors, customers will be able to develop, design and publish books."

There are two upcoming classes. The first class will be Tuesday June 17, 2014 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, and the second class will be Mon Jul 14, 2014| 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.

The Toronto Public Library website is at or call Answerline at 416-393-7131

Monday, June 9, 2014

Canadian Week in Review 09 June 2014

I have come across the following Canadian websites, social media websites, and newspaper articles this past week that were of interest to me, and I thought you might be interested in them, too.


No new websites this week.

Events in History

On June 2, in 1866, Canadian militia units panicked and lost the "Battle of Ridgeway" after 700 Fenians attempted an invasion of the Niagara Peninsula.

To read about the Fenian Raid, read Battle of Ridgeway at

Do you know which was the first letter of the alphabet that was sent by Guglielmo Marconi across the Atlantic from Cornwall, England to a receiving station in St. John's, Newfoundland?

It was the letter ‘S’!

It was sent across the Atlantic in 1901, because in 1897, Marconi had formed a wireless telegraphy company to develop its commercial applications – The Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company.

To read about this, go to 


In 1918, air mail service was inaugurated between New York, Boston, and Montreal.

In June 1871, Londoners crowded Trafalgar Square to see 7-foot-5 Anna Swan from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia marry 7-foot-9 Martin Buren Bates of Kentucky at St. Martin-In-The-Fields Church. They became engaged during a week-long trans-Atlantic voyage, and Queen Victoria provided the wedding dress!!

Social Media

History Blogs
Here is a list of history blogs in Canada.

Newspaper Articles

History comes to life at the Military Museums’ Summer Skirmish
Read about the Guns of the Golden West, a historical re-enactment group that represents the gunfighters of the 1880s.

Meewasin Trail to connect to Wanuskewin Heritage Park
Construction begins Friday to connect the Meewasin Trail to Wanuskewin Heritage Park
The official sod-turning ceremony took place Friday, kicking off construction to connect the Meewasin Trail at 71st Street to Wanuskewin Heritage Park as part of the Trans Canada Trail.

What the History Books say about the Canadian Grand Prix
First run in 1967 in Montreal, the history of the Canadian Grand Prix is told inn pictures with captions.

Camp Kadesh has deep roots in Sask. history
The roots of Camp Kadesh go back to 1946 when Alfred and Eldean Friesen from Dalmeny Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Church began a ministry to children that became known as Scripture Mission, from which Camp Kadesh was created. 

Canadian history lives on in Smiths Falls
Smith’s Falls is located half way between Ottawa and Kinston on the Rideau Canal, and it is the home of the Rideau Canal Visitor Centre.

Ed Coleman's History: Names of men important to history forgotten
Colemam writes about Ernest Steckle Eaton, the man who first discovered that Debert in Nova Scotia was a site of where Paleo-Indians settled over 10,000 years ago. 

St. Peter's among Nova Scotia communities to receive spirit award
The other towns that were chosen in Nova Scotia were Bridgewater, the Sackville area and the Town of Amherst.

Students paired with soldiers who died overseas
40 students from John McCrae Secondary School in Nepean, Ontario toured Europe last week as part of almost 1,000 Canadian students, teachers, cadets and military personnel who visited battlefields and landmarks of the Second World War to commemorate the 70th anniversary of D-Day.

Historic sign dismantled to appear in club
The marquee from the old Capitol Theatre, which was demolished in 1979, was recently moved to the new Capitol Music Club, and it’s causing some concern to the Saskatoon Heritage Society. 

Detroit River history showcased at community museum
SOS Saving our Strait showcases clean up efforts along Detroit River over last 60 years
There's a new exhibit at Windsor's Community Museum showcasing the Detroit River's history. 

Government of Canada Invests $10.05 million in Province House National Historic Site
They will do o repairs to the roof and windows, addressing water infiltration into the building and contributing, in general, to the preservation of the structure. 

A traditional Hungarian wedding in New Brunswick
Read about 20th century Hungarian wedding in the province of New Brunswick.

Story of the Week

Credit: Emily Wang of Edmonton, Alberta 

2014 Canada Day Challenge

As the country get ready to celebrate the 147th birthday of Canada on the 1st of July, the young people of the country have been busy.

They have used their “creativity and imagination” and have taken “up the challenge to explore Canada's history, culture, and identity and to discover what makes this country a truly special place”.

The 1st place winner in the Draw it! Competition was Emily Wang of Edmonton, Alberta and she 13 years old. The 1st place winner in the Snap it! Competition was Alana Krug-Macleaod of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and she is 16 years old, and the 1st place in the Write it! Competition is Sarah Peerless of Tell, British Columbia, who is 16 years old.

Go to to view the winners, and 1st and 2nd runners-up in each category.

Congratulations to everyone!

Reminder: Check the Canadian Week in Review (CWR) next Monday for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada. It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in country!

The next post will be on 16 June 2014.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Canadian Week in Review

Check the Canadian Week in Review tomorrow morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada. 

It has the latest news covered in New/Updated Websites, History, Social Media, and Newspaper Articles.

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in country!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Special Notice: Join the OGS First World War Society

Credit: Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1983-28-826

If you had anyone in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the First World War, you should read this notice -

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, OGS has launched a new Heritage Society. The First World War Society is a lineage Society open to anyone who can show descent from a person who served in a documented capacity on the Allied side of the First World War.

To qualify for this Society, your research must show that your named ancestor(s) fits in the category above, and then show the line of descent from that ancestor(s) to you or the person you wish named on the certificate.

For more information and an application form visit the Heritage Societies area on the OGS website is

If you want to check the CEF site to see if your relative is there, go to the Library and Archives Canada site to see if they are listed as having joined. The site is

If I can be of any assistance to you in researching your CEF member, you can email me at or visit my site at

Ontario: Then and Now

The Archives of Ontario is offering a new feature and is asking for your help.

Grab your camera and get involved on Flickr! Recreate our fascinating historical photographs of neighbourhoods and landmarks across the province. We’ll provide the “then”… you provide the “now”! 

This is a great idea. It will allow you and others to see how a neighbourhood or landmark use to look years ago, and the way it looks today. Or does it look the same or different? 

You can find out about the new project by going to

Friday, June 6, 2014

D-Day Live: The historic invasion in real time on the CBC

Credit: Lieut. Ken Bell / Canada. Dept. of National Defence / Library and Archives Canada / PA-136820

Today is the 70th Anniversary of D-Day, and has re-imagined how the events of that historic day would have been reported if Twitter been around at the time. Relive history through a real-time recreation 

Meanwhile, the Library and Archives Canada has an expanded version of the Service Files of the Second World War – War Dead, 1939-1947 Database onsite.