I have come across the following Canadian websites, social media websites, and newspaper articles this past week that were of interest to me, and I thought you might be interested in them, too.
Canada in History
Here are some moments in our countries history which may interest you –
May 5, 1814 - During the War of 1812 to 1814, a small British and Canadian fleet destroyed the United States naval base at Oswego, New York. The victory re-established British control of Lake Ontario for the remainder of the War of 1812.
You can read more about this battle at
In 1900, Pte. Richard R. Thompson of Ottawa was awarded the Queen's Scarf for gallantry during the Boer War. The scarf was knitted by Queen Victoria and was awarded only seven times. Thompson, who died in 1908, served with the 2nd Special Service Battalion. His scarf is on permanent loan to the National War Museum.
You may read about it at
In 1882, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Assiniboia and Athabaska were formed as districts of the Northwest Territories.
You may read about it at
In 1987, Ottawa unveiled the $1 coin, nicknamed the "Loonie" because a loon was engraved on its flip side. It is made of nickel, copper and recycled tin.
You can read more about the Loonie at
And here is something we can think about as we enjoy our summer ice cream - In 2008, Irvine Robbins, a Canadian-born visionary who helped bring Rocky Road, Pralines ‘n Cream, and other exotic ice-creams to Canada and United States, died in Rancho Mirage, Calif., at age 90. He, along with his brother-in-law, helped to found the Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream parlor stores in 1945.
You can read more about him at
Cemeteries and Headstones in Canada (The ROE Family)
Ruth had been at the National Genealogical Society (NGS) conference in Richmond, Virginia this past week, and has been blogging about it from a Canadian point of view.
The blog posts are -
- National Genealogical Society Conference in Richmond Virginia. Are you ready? #NGS2014gen
- NGS Conference Richmond Virginia – Day 1 – #NGS2014gen
- NGS Conference Richmond Virginia – Day 2 #NGS2014gen
- NGS Conference Richmond Virginia – Day 3 #NGS2014gen
News Articles
Québec reaches for record
Manitoba Museum to honour vets
This article gives a timeline of oil discoveries in Alberta.
Kingston Region
Prince Edward County's Marc Seguin, a founding member of the Organization "Save our Lighthouses," has had a life long interest in Canadian history and has a passion for Canada's built heritage – lighthouses.
Nova Scotia students submit dozens of possible names for February holiday http://www.timescolonist.com/nova-scotia-students-submit-dozens-of-possible-names-for-february-holiday-1.1025747#sthash.Dlbeo0AC.dpuf
Students from across Nova Scotia have submitted 75 suggestions on what to name the province's new holiday in February.
Change Street Naming policy http://www.thestarphoenix.com/news/Change+street+naming+policy/9817995/story.html
Saskatoon city council was told that they should establish a blue-ribbon committee of historical, cultural, social and demographic experts public before a public street is named, or the street name is changed.
South Asian Heritage Month features the big three: colour, culture and contribution
May provides an opportunity to learn about the history of people from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka during South Asian Heritage Month.
School trip to Quebec aims to inspire
Students in Grades 6 and 7 at the George Greenaway Elementary School in Cloverdale, Surrey, British Columbia will be visiting the province Quebec next week to take part in the culture and language of the area.
Now that the Holocaust Remembrance Day has passed for another year, Naomi Azrieli says that we needs to take stock of the state of Holocaust education in Canada and ensure that the lessons of the Holocaust go beyond commemoration one day a year.
Tour the province this summer
Manitoba Book Awards handed out on April 27
Long-form census: Internal survey blasts feds for missing database
Some of the databases are missing!
Story of the Week
Social Media

Two conferences in two weeks – the OGS in Canada and the NGS in the States - means that there was a lot of social media going on - Tweets, Blogs, Facebook, and now Dear Myrt’s AmbushCAM
https://plus.google.com/communities/104382659430904043232 interviews with everyone from the latest news on software, to the people in the know like Dick Eastman, and ordinary people at the NGS. It was something like the “Man in the Street” interviews of the Steve Allen days on TV.
It was really neat. She would have 2-3 minute interviews with the Conference participants by using her camera and putting them on Goggle+ Hangouts On Air, and it worked very well. There didn’t seem to be any glitches, the picture qualify was god, and the audio was excellent.
Just like at the OGS last week, there was an ambitious Live Streaming programme that certain speakers took apart in and gave special lectures. And it worked for the people who could not go to the Conference and people who actually went, because now they will be able to view the Live Streaming after they get home.
So where does this leave Canadian genealogy?
Is Canada keeping up-to-date with Social Media? We are great Facebook users, but are we taking advantage of Live Streaming and Google+ Hangout On Air as much as we should?
For example, Australia has a number of Hangouts On Air now on a regular basis, and also there are a number of Genealogy Podcasts being produced ‘down under’, so if they can do it - why can’t we?
Reminder: Check the
Canadian Week in Review next Monday for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada. It’s the
ONLY news blog of its kind in country! The next post will be on May 17, 2014.