Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Ready to go to SLC on a research trip?


Well, they are getting ready at the Medicine Hat Genealogical Society, but they still have room for more members!

They will travel by motor coach, and it will depart from Medicine Hat on May 3rd, with pickup in Lethbridge. They will overnight in Butte, Montana, arriving in Salt Lake City on May 4th. The group departs Salt Lake City on May 9th overnighting in Butte, Montana and arriving in Lethbridge and Medicine Hat on May 10th.

It includes motor coach, accommodations, two breakfasts, taxes and gratuities. Partners are welcome to come, but if they are not researching, they must arrange their own entertainment.

For more information, contact: Janis, Travel Agent Next Door at 403.529.7415 or Debbie, MHDGS Coordinator at 403.526.1865

The website for the research trip is at

Plus, I notice that there is a short survey about Relatively Speaking, their journal on the website

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

 It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012.

Prince Edward Island Archives has online exhibit


The Prince Edward Island Archives has an online exhibit called
Preserved by Letters - Fifty Years of the Public Archives and Records Office which shows how the archives was conceived, and brought into being. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ottawa Museums & Archives Collections

We have been informed that Ottawa has put their museums and archives collections online at

You can search the entire collection, browse the items, or click on one of the community museum links to browse only that museum's collection.

So I took a look at the full collection, and visited each of the museum ‘virtually’ and I liked my visit. I got to see each item at my leisure and I subscribed to the e-newsletter so that I will get the upgrades to the museums, and the archives.

You can search their collections of the community museums in Ottawa – the Bytown Museum, the Diefenbunker, the Goulbourne Museum, the Osgoode Township Museum, and the Museoparc Vanier Museapark, and the City of Ottawa museums at Billings Estate National Museum Site, the Cumberland Heritage Village Museum, and the Gloucester Collection, and of course, the City of Ottawa Archives.

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

 It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012.

UPDATE: OGS Conference – Interview No 6

Shirley Sturdevant, former president of the Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) interviews Kathryn Lake Hogan, an Ontario professional genealogist, author, educator and speaker specializing in helping family history researchers find their ancestors in Canada.

She annually attends genealogy research institutes and conferences, and this year she will be speaking at the Conference on Saturday with the topic Loyalist or Patriot: Whose Side was He On? , and on Sunday she will speak on two topics - Canadian Copyright for Family History and Free at Last! Researching African Americans in Canada During Slavery.

To view the YouTube interview, go to

And to review the other interviews on this blog, you can go to the following websites -

Interview No 1 with Thomas MacEntee and Dr.Janet Few at

Interview No 2 with Dr. Maurice Gleeson at

Interview No 3 with Kirsty Gray

Interview No 4 with Dave Obee

Interview No 5 with Richard M. Doherty

The OGS website is at

The Conference Facebook page is at

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

 It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012. 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Canadian Week in Review - 30 March 2015

I have come across the following Canadian websites, social media websites, and newspaper articles this past week that were of interest to me, and I thought you might be interested in them, too.

This Week in Canadian History

In 1821, a medical school was incorporated in Montreal. It later became part of McGill University.
To read more, go to

In 1865, Prince Edward Island voted against Confederation.
To read more, go to

In 1885, troops were mobilized across Canada because of the Northwest Rebellion
To read more, go to

Social Media

TO Blog
What hapening with Toronto's waterfront silos?
   The Canada Malting and Victory Mills silos are like two great concrete bookends on the downtown waterfront. Located at the bottoms of Bathurst and Parliament streets, the former soya and grain storage facilities are relics of a time when the port of Toronto was a place of heavy industry, not entertainment.

(Photos) See what gems are hidden outside the walls of Her Majesty's Penitentiary
   There's a museum of crime and punishment, containing documents from the 1800s and pieces of history from sordid jailhouse antics, just outside of Newfoundland and Labrador's largest —and Canada's oldest —jail.
   In fact, very few know it exists, and it's not open to the public.

(Photos) HANTS HISTORY, Nova Scotia,-2015-edition)/1
   A look at what was making the news 25 and 50 years ago in the Hants Journal.


Nova Scotia

Whiley sawmill roof collapse 'end of an era'
   Due to the snow and ice storms that Nova Scotia has had this winter, an original mill built by freed slaves in the 1800s just outside of Halifax in Upper Hammonds Plains, has had its roof collapse.
   It was the first mill built in Upper Hammonds Plains, and was still a thriving business until just a few years ago.

New Brunswick

Rare artifact at Sisson mine site dates back 8,500 years
   Archaeologists have recovered hundreds of artifacts at the site of the proposed Sisson mine north of Fredericton, including a rare find that could be up to 8,500 years old.
   However, two other artifacts recovered from the site have been lost, and Aboriginal leaders are concerned the "precious items" recovered aren't being handled with enough care.


One step closer to a new heritage centre for Niagara
   The Lincoln and Welland Regiment is one step closer to finding a new home for its collection of artifacts.

Devitt family played major role in Waterloo history
   One doesn't read very far into the history of Waterloo before coming across the name Devitt.
   Barnabus Devitt, orphaned and just one generation removed from Ireland, was adopted by Abraham and Magdalena Erb. He grew up in their 1812 home which is still standing and now designated as the city's oldest house.

VIMY RIDGE: Soldiers’ last messages go on tour
   A London team’s capture of the messages and images carved by soldiers in a Vimy Ridge cave will be shared across Canada, thanks to $250,000 grant from the federal government.
    The Souterrain Impressions Exhibit will be launched at Museum London in April and tour the country until June 2018, the Department of Canadian Heritage has announced.

Reflecting on 2015 Black History Month celebration in Guelph
   Since 2013, during the month of February, the Guelph Black Heritage Society has organized several activities to celebrate Black History Month.
   Most of these activities took place at Heritage Hall, 83 Essex Street, the former British Methodist Episcopal (BME) church built by ex-slaves in 1880.


Saskatoon Morning looks at wartime home history in the city
   Small homes built after the Second World War are still a major feature of Saskatoon neighbourhoods – and across the country.

Royal Heights Park will become a celebration of veterans\
   Royal Heights Park in Estevan is going to be getting a new name, and some new additions, thanks to the Royal Canadian Legion's Estevan branch. It will be renamed the Royal Heights Veteran's Memorial Park

Grain elevator pictures seek passage to India
   Jayaram Varada has taken a series of photographs of Saskatchewan grain elevators and hopes to exhibit his work in Kerala, India. He had moved to Saskatchewan in 2009.
   "Iconic Grain Elevators and Life in Western Canada" will be it’s title, and it will portray 60 of his photographs from Saskatchewan.

British Columbia

Mass support in pioneer times began with a signature
   On Nov. 22, 1858, more than 400 residents of Yale, B.C., signed a petition asking their new governor, James Douglas, to provide an armed escort for their shipments of “treasure” (gold) that were being sent down the river.

Coquitlam students honour D-Day war efforts by cleaning up Juno Beach
   A group of Dr. Charles Best secondary students learned a history lesson about Canada's participation in World War II and did some service work of their own during a spring break tour of France.

 News Stories of the Week

We have just come through Museum Week in Canada, a part of a world-wide museum week, and now comes the news that Brant County Museum, among other museums in Ontario*, were meeting this week to learn how to reorganizing their history collection – called the Re-Org Program.

Simon Lambert, preservation development adviser with the Canadian Conservation Institute—which provides advice to about 2,000 small- and medium-sized Canadian museums—led the three-day learning process.

He said that most museums have 90-95% of their collections in storage. He said a survey of 1,500 museums in 136 countries revealed that 60% of them had major storage issues.

The Brant County Museum and Archives is reorganizing about 30,000 pieces of archival material, including books, photographs, slides, letters written by First World War soldiers, pamphlets, manuals, and advertisements were being sorted, boxed and placed into the new compact shelving.

To visit Brant County Museum and archives, go to

Meanwhile, a Comox man is keeping HMCS Alberni's maritime history alive. The Alberni was a Canadian Corvette that sank after a German U-boat attack in 1944, and after Lewis Bartholomew of Courtenay saw a photo of it, he created a mobile display of the ship, along with corresponding information about its occupants.

And the Alberni Project Society was formed. Its goal is to collect, interpret, display, and preserve the history of Canada’s role in the Second World War, and to convey the personal stories and events of a global war.

You can visit the website at, or you can visit the museum in Comox from Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

And finally, Historica Canada recently announced that Rebecca Xie of Brandon has been named one of the grand prize winners in the 2014 Citizenship Challenge.

Over 60,000 young Canadians participated in the national contest!

Rebecca won an all-expenses paid trip to Ottawa. She was joined by fellow winner, Samantha Quinto of Scarborough, and they travelled to Ottawa where they explored Canada’s history and culture with personal tours of Parliament Hill, the Canadian Museum of History, and the Canadian War Museum

The Citizenship Challenge asks Canadians to put their national knowledge to the test, by studying for, and writing, a mock citizenship exam. Xie received 100 per cent on the mock citizenship exam.

You can see more about the Citizenship Challenge at

That was the Canadian genealogy, history, and heritage news in Canada this past week!

* The six museums were - The Museum in Tower Hill in Parry Sound; the NEC in Timmins; Norfolk Arts Cetre in Simcoe; Clarington Museums in Bowmanville; Lambton Heritage Museum in Grand Bend; and the Collingwood Museum.

And that was the Canadian genealogy, history and heritage news in Canada this past week!

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed last week’s edition, it is a

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012.

Need help in finding your Canadian ancestors?

Susan I. of Toronto, Ontario says –
"With her wonderful suggestions, including provincial and local archival holdings, books, and local church records, I was delighted to uncover a marriage certificate naming my paternal great, great grandparents and their original county in Ireland.

Elizabeth also mentored me regarding further educational opportunities. I was delighted with her services."
If you do, go to Elizabeth Lapointe Research Services and see how I can help you find that elusive Canadian ancestor. 

The next Canadian Week in Review will be posted 06 April, 2015. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Have you seen the latest survey?

The Weekly Genealogical Survey has been published by the New England Historic Genealogical Society (Vol. 18, No. 12, Whole #732, March 25, 2015), and it asked the question - if you use an online or desktop software program to compile your family history research, which one do you use? 

The top five responses were -

50% use

47% use Family Tree Maker

13% use RootsMagic

11% use Legacy Family Tree

7% use Reunion + 7% stated that ‘I use a software program not listed above’

Do you think these number are farily accurate, as far as you can tell. I think that and Family Tree Maker are the two most popular desktop ptogrames, followed closely by RootsMagic from people that I talk to in Ottawa.

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012. 

Immigration Photos on Flickr

Canada is a nation made up of people from other countries. The diversity in its population distinguishes it from most other counties, and gives Canadians an unique view of genealogy – we are always looking over the seas for our ancestors.

And the Library and Archives Canada is the keeper of our papers, books, records, and if we want to learn about the different ethno-cultural groups, we can either go to their site at and take a short history lesson of the following immigrants groups - Acadian, Blacks. British, Chinese, Danish, Doukhobors, Dutch, East Indian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Jews, Mennonites, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Scottish, Swedish, Ukranian, and Welsh.

Or you can check out the immigration photos on Flickr at

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dear Myrt’s Beginning Genealogy - Session 10

As I promised my blog on 06 January 2014 at, I watched Dear Myrt’s Beginning Genealogy Session 10 on Wednesday. I will continue to watch the rest of the study group as it proceeds.

The major topic which was discussed in Sessions 10 was a subject which can be difficult to discover and research and it is - Adoption.

I have researched and written about this topic myself, and have found it to be very difficult when trying to establish adoption in Canada before the 1920s. Informal adoption (by another family member) was common before it was taken over by the government, and you, as researchers, have to be aware of this fact.

Dear Myrt brought up the subject of two birth certificates – one when the child was born, which would show the natural parents (which was sealed by the government), and a second birth certificate which showed the adoptive parents (which was not sealed).

Although she went to the Adoption on the United States Genealogy at the Wiki site in FamilySearch at, those of us in Canada can also check the subject under Adoption on our Wiki site at

In fact, they say that we should “Check with the local provincial archives for addresses to private associations who assist people tracing adoption records. In most provinces, prior to the middle of the 1900s there were no formal adoption proceedings, and children would be placed with family or neighbours without the necessity for any legal documentation”.

The website for Session 10 is at

Session 1 -

Session 2 -

Session 3 -

Session 4 -

Session 5 - 

Session 6 & 7 -

Session 8 -

Session 9 -

Remember to make yourself a member of Dear Myrt’s Genealogy Community before watching the YouTube Google+ Hangout on Air at

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012.

Digging Into the Past: Family History in Canada

In this podcast, genealogy consultants Sara Chatfield and Richard Lelièvre from Library and Archives Canada, discuss genealogy research.

The podcasts explore what genealogy is, what is involved, how to start, suggest resources to use and how Library and Archives Canada can help you with your genealogy research.

Subscribe to their podcast episodes using RSS or iTunes, or if you don’t want to listen to the podcasts, but prefer to read a transcript of the conversation, it is online at

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Calling all Farmers: be an Open Farm Days host

Did you know (if you are not from Alberta) that Alberta Open Farm Days is a province-
wide open house, of sorts. This year, on August 22 and 23rd, farmers and ranchers across the province will be invited to open their gates and share their story! 
The third annual Alberta Open Farm Days offers visitors a fun way to experience rural life. People can enjoy farm-to-table culinary events on the Saturday and free admission to farm tours across the province on the Sunday. Last year there were 61 host farms and 17 culinary events. 
Registration to be a host is now easier thanks to an online registration form available at The application deadline for host farms is April 30.
Their Facebook page is on

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Can you help Maclean’s national magazine? Here's how ...

Maclean’s is 110 years old this year, and they have put out a press release in which they are asking Canadians from all over the world to help them ‘find the faces of Canada’s past’.

The press release says that 'Maclean's is compiling an ongoing collection of iconic Canadian photos. Every week, they will be adding more archival photos to the gallery. Take part in the months-long mission by looking at the images and their captions. Are you pictured? Do you know someone who is? If not, maybe you have an idea of how to find them'?

Just tweet them at @MacleansMag using the hashtag #Macleans110, or email the assistant editor Luc Rinaldi at

They have put 14 photos on the website already. Take a look at them, and if you recognize any of the people, let the editor know by email or Twitter.

The website is

The Facebook page is

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012.

Do you have early French-Canadian ancestors?


If you have answered ‘yes’, and you would like to know if they are in the earliest census ever taken in Canada, then you should check Jean Talon’s census of 1666.

Who was Jean Talon, and why is his name attached to a census?

He was the first Intendant (a governor, of sorts), and he was a representative of the King. He was in charge of administration of justice, police and finances, for instance, and bringing immigrants from France to settle the early days of New France. He encouraged and supported large families, urged single people to marry, brought over filles du roi (approximately 800 young French women who immigrated to New France between 1663 and 1673), and, in part, he motivated soldiers to settle in the colony after their military service.

And this was where the census of 1666 came into the picture – he wanted to know how the new colony was doing.

He held the postion from 1665 to 1668.

To get you started, the 1666 census is on Quebec – at

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

They have done it again!

The Elgin County Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society has put on another issue of their newsletter, the Talbot Times, on their blog Elgin County Ontario Canada and Talbot Times Genealogy Blog at

This time they have put on the September 1987 Talbot Times in which you can read the 1853 Births, Deaths and Marriages found in the St Thomas, Ontario Weekly Dispatch.

If you read their newsletter, you will find that there more than just births, deaths and marriages found in the issue. There is an article called Scots COMING TO CANADA, and a page full of queries.

The website is at

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012.


This week, March 23 to March 29th, Canadian Museums will take part in #MuseumWeek, an online initiative to highlight the amazing things these institutions do on a daily basis.

Each day, museums and galleries from coast to coast to coast will be sharing their secrets, taking us into their archives and showing us things that might not be included in your audio guide – all through Twitter – using the tag #SecretsMW (you can access this by your web. For example, there are some beautiful Van Gogh paintings from the Van Gogh Museum on display). 

To see who the participants are around the world, go to

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

NEWS FLASH!!! OGS extends early-bird deadline

Early-Bird Registration for OGS Conference 2105 in Barrie has been extended until 10 April 2015

The recent finalization of the Conference Tours necessitated the change to give more time for registrants to sign up. Those already registered will have the opportunity to order tours as well.

The Conference Committee also felt that the late departure of winter from most of Canada had prevented many people from making travelling plans for the spring, so they are offering time for you to make plans to go to Barrie – a city only one hour north of the Toronto airport.

To go to the Conference site, go to

To go to the Facebook page, go to

To go to Tourism Barrie, go to

Check the Canadian Week in Review every Monday morning for the latest in Genealogy, Heritage, and History news in Canada.

If you missed this week’s edition, it is at

It’s the ONLY news blog of its kind in Canada!

It has been a regular post every Monday morning since April 23, 2012